The Champion Wipes Story
“The man who has no imagination has no wings.”
– Muhammad Ali

An idea born in the gym
“We didn't have a good way to keep our gloves clean, so we made our own.”
My first pair of boxing gloves was a slick pair of 16oz Twins Special's. It didn't come with cleaning instructions, and my go to method was to let it "air dry" inside my gym bag. A year later, I retired those gloves because of the smell... expensive mistake.
Years later, I started to use generic wet wipes, but I hated how it left soapy streaks. My coaches would either recommend using tea tree oil, drying gloves out with a paper towel, or simply told me they never cleaned theirs!!!
From that, the idea was born.
Our development process
We wanted to develop a product from the ground up. A non-irritating wipe that used tea tree oil, an ingredient widely trusted and used in the martial arts community, known for it's anti-fungal properties. Hello Defense soap!
We partnered up with a manufacturer with over 18 years of experience in research and development and got to working.
Produced in an ISO 7 certified facility, we're extremely proud to present Champion Wipes as the world's first biodegradable cleaning wipe designed for your boxing gloves.

Committed to our community
Martial arts is a relatively small community, which certainly contributes to its charm. The coaches know each other, and the fight community is tight knit.
Unfortunately, the opportunities within are sparse, and brand support are far and few between. It's not likely that martial artists are ever endorsed by the big brands.
We are dedicated to championing a new era in martial arts, to grow together with the community we serve.